Book your Light Code Session today.

Serving Portland, Maine

And Beyond

Experience In-person Yin & Restorative Yoga classes, and book your private in-person Reiki Sessions at The Form Lab in Falmouth, ME.

Calling all soul-led creative leaders who want to unlock their unique gifts and embody their highest essence. Learn how to activate your life through sacred design and energy healing. Find out how to tap into your high vibrational creativity so you can design a sacred life with purpose.

Are you ready for the blueprint to Feng Sui your life?

It’s time to awaken to the true essence of why you came to earth. You can connect deeply to your soul mission through Sacred Design, Reiki, and Ancient Healing Codes.

Rocks stacked on a piece of driftwood to symbolize healing
  • Are you drawn to sacred geometry, color, energetics, and the fusion of light codes into tangible art?

  • Do you feel called to healing work but don’t fully trust your gifts yet?

  • Do you have an artistic background and feel a deep connection between your creativity and spirituality?

  • Are you struggling with imposter syndrome and need help activating your unique soul blueprint?

  • Do you want tools and mentorship to bring your visions into reality?

  • Are you looking for deeper energetic alignment, clarity, or missing key to your practice?

  • Do you resonate with grids, light codes, and energy placements but don’t fully understand how to use them?

  • Do you want to create high-vibrational altars and healing spaces that align with your work?

Is this you? Then you’re ready to design a life, practice, and space that supports your energy instead of draining it.


Design your sacred healing experience.

Book your session or training now.

Private Readings & Healing Sessions

Receive a Holy Fire Reiki healing in-person at The Form Lab in Falmouth, ME. Enjoy a Tarot session for clarity and direction, or discover your soul code through Light Language.

Soul Code Blueprint Session

Makeover in progress!!!

Sarah Of The Light's Holy Fire Reiki classes and courses will heal you and soothe your soul.

Reiki Classes

Discover the healing properties of Holy Fire Reiki and become a Practitioner or Instructor to support the health of yourself, your loved ones, and your clients.


“Sarah is such a light and gentle soul! She’s also really talented and connected and really knows what she is doing and talks about! She has great gifts to offer and I highly suggest doing a reading or a course with her.” - Jen M.