What Is Holy Fire Reiki?
Reiki, or ‘divine universal life force energy',’ is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.
Holy Fire was introduced in 2014 as a new form of Reiki through the International Center for Reiki Training. The word ‘Holy’ has a root meaning of ‘whole’ and ‘complete’ and so this technique is both powerful and gentle. It creates wholeness in the recipient through purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance.

Holy Fire Reiki is a connection to the mind, body, and soul. It’s the ultimate act of self-care.
When you see Reiki being offered somewhere, 9 times out of 10, it’s Usui Reiki.
Holy Fire Reiki is more refined than Usui Reiki. It comes from a higher level of consciousness. In traditional Usui, the practitioner is attuned to the Reiki energy by the teacher placing hands on the student. The energy flows from the teacher to the student, and in turn this how the student as a practitioner delivers the Reiki to their client - through themselves.
Because Holy Fire comes from a higher level of consciousness, there is no physical contact between the teacher and student for attunements. Holy Fire Reiki comes directly from a higher source to the student, guided by the teacher, and ignites a living flame within them. When the student gives Reiki treatments, the Holy Fire Reiki energy comes from that same higher source and does not need to flow through the teacher.

Holy Fire Reiki is a profound healing experience.
Holy Fire starts with God and uses other concepts based in religion like Holy Spirit and Jesus, but not in a religious way because Reiki is not a religious practice.
Spiritual, energetic resources like God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus existed long before religion. They are helpers, guides, and transformative energies that help the practitioner and recipient of the Reiki burn away old patterns, blocks, and heaviness.
From Sarah, about her experience with Holy Fire Reiki:
“Holy Fire Reiki, to me, is about walking your divine path; being of service to humanity. It’s a dedication to the self. It’s a cleansing and healing ritual that expands our level of consciousness to the highest state of the heavens. It allows us to reach a higher state of bliss and peace by expanding our light body and strengthening our vibration.
Holy Fire Reiki empowers us while melting away the ego. It’s a safe, loving connection to God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus as amazing partners and guides. The Reiki symbols are transcendental and not only positively affect our subconscious, but also connect us directly to spiritual consciousness.
I have felt the Reiki energy burning away blocks and unhelpful patterns within me. It’s been an incredible tool in my personal transformation and in the transformation of many of my clients.”